Downloading the Snow Signature |
Briefgeheimnis sowie das Post- und Fernmeldegeheimnis sind
Grundgesetz, Artikel 10, Absatz 1
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This software is free software under the GNU General Public License, version 2 or later.
David Gümbel has written a PERL implementation of a program which can encode/decode Snow Signatures. It also is free software under the GNU General Public License.
These scripts are free software under the GNU General Public License, version 2 or later.
macro pager G "|desnsg^M"to your .muttrc file, pressing G in the pager will decode and decrypt the Snow Signature, provided that the correct passphrase is found in the .snsgpass file.
Thanks to Raoul Bönisch and Klaus Tumczak for their inspiring input which led to this simple solution. :-)
In order to do anything useful with snsg you will also need the GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG), the tool of choice for protecting your privacy. GnuPG is an official GNU project and of course free software under the GNU General Public License, version 2 or later.
Peter Gerwinski, 22 Oct 2001